Our Primary Curriculum


We want the children in our school to be curious and enthusiastic students so that they develop a life-long love of learning that sets them up well for success in the next stage of their education (and beyond).

At English Martyrs, we want to be an outward-looking community because we believe that God has given mankind the responsibility of caring for his world, both for our own benefit and for the benefit of generations to come. We all have a responsibility to care for the whole of his creation.

We believe that every human being is made in the image of God and that every member of our school community deserves the best possible experience of primary education in order to become aspirational, principled and engaged human beings.

We are blessed with wonderful grounds and staff look for opportunities to take learning outside as well as planning exciting curriculum-linked trips and inviting visitors in to talk to the children.

Years 1-6 Parent Consultation meetings take place twice a year, usually just after the Autumn and Spring half-term holidays. There is also an optional "reports surgery" meeting after the children's Annual Reports are issued in July.

Nursery and Reception teachers meet with parents separately as part of the "focus children" cycle.

Please do contact your child's class teacher if you have an enquiry about their learning between these meetings.

If you can’t say it, you can’t write it. It is essential that children learn to express themselves clearly in spoken language.

Staff work with children to develop their confidence in speaking to an adult, a partner, a small group, their class, or a larger audience.

We work on expanding children's vocabulary, including the phrases and sentence structures that are appropriate in different contexts. 

Oracy also includes developing children's listening skills.

Please see below for information about individual curriculum subjects. If you would like to know more about any aspect of the curriculum, please email the school admin@englishmartyrs.reading.sch.uk