
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School

The Governing Board of English Martyrs Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary School 

Core Values of the Governing Board 

               Ensure clarity of vision, Catholic ethos and strategic direction, 

Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, 

Overseeing the financial performances of the school and making sure its money is well spent 


The Governing Body consists of fourteen (14) Governors

Eight (8) Foundation Governors (appointed by the Bishop of Portsmouth) 

Two (2) Parent Governors (appointed by the parents) 

One (1) Headteacher  

One (1) Staff Governor (appointed by the staff) 

One (1) Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Local Authority) 

One (1) Co-opted Governor (appointed by the Governing body) 

Cathy Doberska

Chair of Governors

Roselind Doctor

Foundation Governor

Dr Hilary Umeh

Local Authority Governor

Bill Lang

 Foundation Governor

Fr. Gaston Forbah Afah

Foundation Governor

Anita Connolly

Foundation Governor

Carol Flach


Foundation Governor

Sandrine Hardy

 Foundation Governor

Linda Heneghan

Staff Governor

Sian Hawes



Parent Governor

Zoe Duck



Parent Governor

Emma Simpson-Holland