School Dinners

English Martyrs is a “Healthy School” and encourages children to eat a balanced diet that enables them to make the most of the day in school.

School dinners are commissioned by Reading Borough Council which uses Caterlink.



Lunchtimes at English Martyrs

Fulltime Nursery Children have lunch together in their own area.

Children in Early Years eat in the school hall, where staff work with them to support them with using cutlery and keep a close eye to make sure that children are eating.

Lunchtimes for other year groups are staggered, to ensure that the playground does not become overcrowded. Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 lunchtime is from 12.00 to 1.00 pm. Upper Key Stage 2 lunchtime is 12.30-1.30 pm.

Hot dinners are delivered to the classrooms. Each class has a dedicated lunchtime controller who takes the class out to the playground once the mealtime stage of the lunch break is over.

We have a strict  NO NUT policy in school. Please ensure every piece of food, including snacks, is free from nuts.

If you would like to join our team of lunchtime support staff, please see the advert on the Vacancies page of this website. 



Any concerns or comments please contact Wendy Lasheen at:



Packed lunches & tuck

Parents are encouraged to give their children a healthy pack lunch and snack. Limiting food with high sugar content such as fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets helps maintain the children’s concentration and good behaviour.

We recommend that children bring in a healthy snack such as fruit, vegetables, or a healthy cereal bar for playtime.

For more information on nutrition, topics click here